Continue Your “Summer of Learning” into the New Season

This is the 8th  and final installment of Pamela’s Summer of Learning Series.

Whether or not your household went through the annual back-to-school ritual, most of us are hardwired to shift into a mix of melancholy that summer in the rearview mirror and excitement that a new season has begun.

Small green backpack filled with school supplies

I know I am.

One way to renew your energy through this transition is to slow down and reflect on when you were most engaged through the summer months.

Was it:

  • Spending time outdoors?
  • Socializing and renewing connections?
  • Traveling to new destinations?
  • Learning or improving your skills in an activity or topic that brings you joy?

With your answers in mind, consider how you can carry the energy of these experiences into your new season.

Whether or not you joined me in my #SummerOfLearning series (and you can revisit the entire series here) you can start your new season with renewed energy and commitment to growth.

FIRST, this is a great time to create, review, and revise your Competence statement  (download a fresh worksheet here).

If you drafted a competence statement for the summer, ask yourself:

  • Is it still relevant to the challenges and opportunities on the horizon?
  • How might you refine your focus based on what you have learned?
  • How can I infuse my growth with the energy of my best summer learning experiences?

NOW, ask what resources and relationships you can tap into to help you sustain your agile learning habits more effectively.

NEXT, generate ideas for how you can engage and inspire your colleagues or team members to practice continuous learning and become more agile learners and leaders.

Guided by these questions, I’ll continue to connect with colleagues who share a passion and curiosity for staying learning agile. Whenever possible, I’ll be connecting in person and even better, while walking. In our current landscape, I’m also participating in and creating spaces for understanding differences of perspective and finding positive ways forward in uncertainty and volatility.