ENGAGE Your Team in Growing their Agility Capability Value and Impact

You have engaged in several cycles of Reflection and Action and are by now likely experiencing some results from the intentional shifts you are making to improve your agile mindset and bring each of the six dynamics of the Agility Shift to life in your work. The suggestions below include several strategies to help engage […]

ENGAGE Your Team in Growing their Agility Capability Value and Impact

You have engaged in several cycles of Reflection and Action and are by now likely experiencing some results from the intentional shifts you are making to improve your agile mindset and bring each of the six dynamics of the Agility Shift to life in your work. The suggestions below include several strategies to help engage […]

Success Stories:

Agility Shift in Action The best testament to the impact of our work at Meyer Agile Innovation and the power of the Agility Shift concepts and best practices are the success stories themselves. While all client work is confidential, below are success stories from several agile leaders themselves (from client organizations, as well as an […]

Are You Ready to be More Agile?

Understand your agile growth opportunities in five minutes or less! Take the Agility Shift Inventory, an agile assessment questionnaire to understand your agility mindset and six dynamics needed to make the Agility Shift. Take the agility assessment today. Start your free inventory   The Agility Shift is the radical mindset and behavioral shift that leaders, […]

Agile 101 (Part 1 of 3): Agile vs. Agility

Or Agile 101 for Smarties Business agility and agile methodology have long surpassed any danger of being labeled flavor-of-the-month business trends. While various approaches pre-date it, The Agile Manifesto published in 2001 is credited with igniting the trend (beginning with, and now expanding beyond software development) toward project management approaches and business strategies designed for […]

Agile 101 (Part 2 of 3): Enterprise Agility Strategies

Understanding Which Enterprise Agility Strategy Might be Right for Your Organization Many organizations begin their agile journey by forming agile teams in one or more functional areas, such as IT, marketing, and new product development. When they saw the results of improved time to market, lower cost, and higher employee engagement, they decide to adopt […]

Agile 101 (Part 3 of 3): Developing and Sustaining Agile Leaders

Agile 101 (Part 3 of 3): Developing and Sustaining Agile Leaders

Developing and Sustaining Agile Leaders, Teams, and Organizations In Part One [insert link] I shared the inspiration for this three-part series. In a nutshell, this series is for anyone whose organization has made agility a top strategic priority. This includes, but is not limited to, companies that are adopting agile methodologies at the team level, […]

Business Agility Workshops and Retreats

Jumpstart Your Leadership and Team Agility with one of our Popular Agility ShiftTM Workshops and Training All Workshops Can Be Adapted for Engaging Virtual Delivery Agile teams can learn, adapt, and innovate in the midst of change all while using available resources. Pamela Meyer has traveled the globe facilitating workshops that jumpstart agility. Her research and methods […]