Leading Through Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA)

Over the past few months, a number of companies have asked me to help their leaders lead in the midst of VUCA.  These organizations include a US-based company that is preparing for a possible, but not certain, merger and needs to continue to serve its customers, grow and innovate as it awaits approval. A European […]

Developing Agile Employees Who Can Thrive in the Age of VUCA

Written by Pamela Meyer, PhD By now VUCA is common language for the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity of business. The term originated at the US Army War College to describe the changing conditions on the battlefield, and its wider usage now serves as a call to action for all those who wish to be […]

Agility Resources

Make Shift Happen Pamela Meyer recommends these additional resources to help you make and sustain your AGILITY SHIFT: DOWNLOAD a complimentary chapter of The Agility Shift. As author Pamela Meyer explains, much more is involved than reconfiguring the org chart and job descriptions. It requires relinquishing the illusion of control at the foundation of most […]

Custom Agility Training & Development

Customized agile talent development solutions to make your agility shift happen.  Take a winning approach to training and development with a customized agile development solution from innovation catalyst Pamela Meyer, Ph.D. Pamela has teamed up with organizations in the U.S. and around the world that want to improve agility across their enterprises and need talent […]

How Fit is Your Business? Part 4: Speed & Mobility

How Fit is Your Business? Part 4: Speed & Mobility Many day-to-day business responsibilities and operations are routine. In order to be prepared for the unexpected, we must constantly scan the environment for new opportunities and challenges.  Responsiveness, Competitiveness and, Innovation are key components of an organizations Speed and Mobility. Are you and your workforce […]

How Fit is Your Business? Part 2 Flexibility

How Fit is Your Business? Part 2: Flexibility In Part 1 of this series, we’ve already learned that keeping your business “Fit” will keep your moves agile. Agility, along with adaptability and resourcefulness, are the keys to maintaining our next business performance indicator: Flexibility. Have you developed the competence and capacity to adapt when things […]

Intentional Agility – Don’t Leave Agility to Chance

In the past several years working with organizations that want to be more agile and innovative, I have noticed a common theme: Those that are successful don’t leave their agility to chance.  Agile leaders, teams and organizations intentionally and consistently maintain a mindset, behaviors and practices that enhance their capacity to respond effectively to unexpected […]

Agility Shift Inventory™

Take the Agility Shift Inventory today! Now Includes Mindset Results The Agility Shift Inventory (ASI) offers individual leaders, teams and entire organizations an opportunity to become more aware of the state of agility in their current context. This awareness is the first step toward improving results by receiving guidance about where your energy and resources […]

Business Agility Workshops

Let Us Help You Make the Agility Shift and Stay in the Game in 2024! With an impressive track record of results, Meyer Agile Innovation will help you improve your organization’s business agility. Agile teams can learn, adapt, and innovate in the midst of change, all while using available resources. Pamela Meyer has traveled the […]